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Another 10 schools are equipped with video surveillance systems Vladivostok

Another 10 schools are equipped with video surveillance systems Vladivostok Photo: Julia Rogotskaya

Now what is happening on the territory of another ten schools in the city - № 33544464754616677 and 82 will be watching your camcorder. There are already underway to install video surveillance systems around the clock. Enhance the safety of students thus ordered the head of Vladivostok Igor Pushkarev. The funds for the installation of systems isolated from the city budget under departmental target program "Security municipal educational institutions of Vladivostok" for 2011-2013.

The cameras installed around the perimeter of the building. Inside the school to monitor for outdoor furnishings monitors security. If the camera is fixed on the territory of hooliganism, vandalism, theft, or fire fight, the guard immediately transmits a firefighter or police. In addition, according to the school staff and the chamber discipline the students themselves. "The guys know that if they seriously violate the order - it will lock the camera" - school caretaker told Elena Ryabkina.

Recall, from 2011 cameras installed in almost half of the city schools. Work in progress.

Опубликовано:   18-04-2013, 17:00      |      Категория:  eng news

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