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Forces of the two brigades marked axial - solid and dashed

Forces of the two brigades marked axial - solid and dashed Forces of the two brigades marked axial - solid and dashed lines, and road Zebra. It is worth noting that the work on the update of road design are held daily. Updated markup appeared on the Avenue 100-letiya Vladivostoka, Makovsky street, Gogol, Partizanskiy Avenue, Aleutian, Ocean Avenue, Svetlanskaya Ship Quay, Fountain, Semenov, Russian and others. As the experts note, road markings contributes to increasing road capacity, improve the visibility of the roadway, especially in the dark.

The press service of the Vladivostok Administration

Опубликовано:   26-06-2013, 16:47      |      Категория:  eng news

The troops of the Eastern District are ready to bomb and blow up ice jams on rivers
2-05-2013, 12:20, eng news
To combat the high water allocated more than 120 units of the automobile, and about 50 units of engineering machinery, about 50 mortars and 20 aircraft and helicopters, about 12 tons of explosives...
Collectors seaside
23-04-2013, 11:10, eng news
Maritime Savings Bank branch collectors equipped with modern security systems of values......
Volunteers Vladivostok staged Pancake for autistic children
10-03-2013, 12:10, eng news
These are ordinary kids, just a little bit magical. They, just like everyone else, laugh, love, when they are playing. But the world around them for another - his own. (PHOTOS)......
Primorye Governor participates in an economic forum in St. Petersburg
20-06-2013, 17:45, eng news
Today in St. - Petersburg hosts international economic forum. Will take part in it and the Governor of the Primorsky Territory Vladimir Miklushevsky. The governor is involved in an economic forum in...
Recall that the time of the fair increased from 28 June
24-07-2013, 22:00, eng news
Recall that the time of the fair increased from 28 June for the convenience of customers, representatives of farmers and producers, realizing their products here. At the fair you can buy fresh...
More than 540000 customers of the Far Eastern Savings Bank
16-09-2013, 17:40, eng news
More than 540000 customers of the Far Eastern Savings Bank became active users of the service "Mobile Banking" in 2013 - a 63% higher than the same period last year. "With the help of sms-service"...
The woman told the police about the rape Finds 14-year-old daughter of
12-08-2013, 16:15, eng news
Investigative agencies of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in the Primorsky Territory is conducted preliminary examination of the application of the woman committed against her...
19-04-2013, 10:00, eng news
When you consider that the original project in 2006 was estimated at less than 500 billion rubles, but in the end it cost exceeded $ 700 billion, the economy is ambiguous......
9-05-2013, 14:20, eng news
68th anniversary of Great Victory Vladivostok celebrates not only a big way, but with taste. Today, May 9 on the area of the Fighters for Soviet Power was appetizing celebratory event "Soldier's...
About the case of corruption in higher education Primorye
5-09-2013, 11:48, eng news
About the case of corruption in higher education Primorye regional prosecutor's office said. Prosecutor of the city of Vladivostok in the court directed the criminal case against a citizen of B, who,...

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