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Russian universities are not included in the hundred leading universities

Russian universities are not included in the hundred leading universities
Ivan Andrievsky, First Vice-President of the Russian public organization "Russian Union of Engineers"
commented on the situation:

- Today there are many different ratings. In particular, the ranking of the Times, the magazine Economist, Shanghai ranking of the best universities of the world, QS World University Rankings, etc. Each of the ratings has its methodological basis and uses a variety of statistical data. For example, a rating of Times Higher Education in 2010 became interested in the university's reputation among his professorial staff, priority analysis are qualitative research methods. Analytical rating agency QS World University Rankings are more interested in the quantitative data: the ratio of teachers and students, university teachers citations in scientific papers, the number of foreign teachers in higher education, the number of foreign students, etc. The difference in the methods used can greatly affect the location of the university in the rankings. For example, Moscow State University. University, which in Times Higher Education rankings in 2013 took 50th place, and in the rating agency QS World University Rankings - 116th place.

Of course, in science and education, there are significant challenges, but there are positive developments in this area. This is largely due to the increased attention to the grant programs and their expansion. Since much of the science nizkookupaema and resources to its development needs to invest a lot, you need to carry out targeted funding the best projects.
Grants are a kind of a "savior" for engineers, experimental physicists, scientific experts and practitioners of young innovators. Only in the 2011 federal budget allocated for science 227.8 billion rubles, including 37.4% on basic research and 62.6% in the application. Of the basic grant funds in Russia are Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) and the Russian Foundation for Technological Development (RFTD), Russian Foundation for Humanities (RFH). The budget of each of these funds in 2011-2012 reached 1 billion. The government is actively promoting the innovative course of economic development. This course is the development of the innovation center "Skolkovo" in the Moscow region, the development of Silicon Valley counterpart in Tatarstan as "Innopolis Kazan", the completion of the formation of SEZ in Tomsk, etc. All this will certainly contribute to the development of science.

In addition to universities appear scientific laboratories that performed the research and development of very different direction, starting from the prototype collider, ending genetic research. Ministry of Education is planning for 7 years to create another one thousand new scientific laboratories. An important factor in the development of the Russian Education and Science is the so-called "reform of universities", whose aim is to optimize and increase the quality of education through a merger or liquidation of inefficient universities.

Russian public organization "Russian Union of Engineers" gave priority to increase funding for truly effective high schools. Country's economic development can not take place without a strong manufacturing and industrial areas, without extensive use of innovative technologies. The scientific potential of the country is very large, its implementation will take Russia a worthy place among the world's economic powers to improve the welfare of the country and the standard of living of each of its citizens.

Опубликовано:   22-03-2013, 09:40      |      Категория:  eng news

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