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The Victory Day in Vladivostok launched a frontal bus

The Victory Day in Vladivostok launched a frontal bus Photo: Alexander Vasiliev

On the Anniversary of the Victory in Vladivostok route out holiday tram. In addition to holiday decorations - balls and a shield with the congratulations - it differs by the fact that the speaker in the cabin can hear kind words and good wishes the veterans.

The Victory Day in Vladivostok launched a frontal bus

The Victory Day in Vladivostok launched a frontal bus

The Victory Day in Vladivostok launched a frontal bus

On the first day of the tram depot management has provided gifts to all passengers - "letters from the front." In the "Soldiers 'triangles' you can find the military poems, reports from the battles of the Great Patriotic War, as well as these letters to soldiers. Here, for example, is the letter written by Evgeny Rodionov, a rural schoolteacher, has headed the guerrilla movement in the Smolensk region, got our correspondent of - read it with a clear conscience impossible:

"Good-bye, my dear, mummy, Eleonorka.

Pending hanging, decided to write to you and send a last farewell.

Do not cry, Mom, and do not scold me, or else I could do. Take care of Eli, where are you, how much time should be a grandmother and mother. Educate her good, informative man who loved his country and its people.

kiss you hard, say hello to all the relatives, friends and disciples, all those who are able to survive this black time. "

The Victory Day in Vladivostok launched a frontal bus

The Victory Day in Vladivostok launched a frontal bus

The Victory Day in Vladivostok launched a frontal bus

The Victory Day in Vladivostok launched a frontal bus

Опубликовано:   6-05-2013, 21:20      |      Категория:  eng news

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