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To avoid accidents, the General Administration of

To avoid accidents, the General Administration of To avoid accidents, the General Directorate of Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia Primorsky Krai recommends that everyone who goes into the woods to follow safety rules. Relatives and friends must have information about where you are, how much return. How much can you navigate the terrain, whether you have a means of communication or notification, set of food and warm clothes. Not to be trifled with nature, and search yourself, because you can lose valuable time. We must immediately inform the rescuers all known information about the missing person. Remember that expert help will come to you, and timely reporting of the incident by calling 010 - a single phone all the firefighters and rescue workers will reduce the search time and many will increase the chances of rescue.

Опубликовано:   13-07-2013, 19:02      |      Категория:  eng news

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