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Today, in the cinema «Vladivostok» was held

Today, in the cinema «Vladivostok» was held Today, in the cinema «Vladivostok» held a press conference on the occasion of the second youth festival «noise Level». This festival is held in Vladivostok for the second time and aims to support young filmmakers of the city. At a press conference attended a festival organizer Tikhon Makarov, Director of the cinema «Vladivostok» Antonina Ivanova and representative of the administration of Vladivostok Dmitry Nesterenko, who told the representatives of mass media about his impressions from the first film festival and about the upcoming show will be held this Saturday. - I am glad that the first film festival was held, said to media personnel Dmitry Nesterenko. "I hope that the second festival will be held on a wider scale. In Vladivostok have many talented young people, and we are ready to support supporting further festivals. Director of the cinema «Vladivostok» Antonina Ivanova shared her impressions from the first film festival, which was held in Vladivostok, may 11: the First film festival was held very successfully and has collected nearly a full house of spectators. This time we expect more of them. I must say that the reaction of the audience on the films shown were wild, including through by the participant of the festival, which were very Rada opportunity to show their films on the big screen, and their positive energy infected the whole room! Very surprised by the interest of the older generation, the representatives of which there were many, they are also very active and noisy voted for their favorite movies. - We give a good opportunity for budding show their films to the huge number of people, " said festival organizer Tikhon Makarov. - Now the only possibility for them are social network, but as the practice showed, the film festival to come and elderly people, and children from 8 years, so it's a good opportunity to show the film to those who are not sitting «Vkontakte» and «classmates». Also Tikhon Makarov lifted the veil of secrecy and told a little about the movies of the upcoming show. Among the films selected for the upcoming film festival, there are very interesting works. There are стебный three-minute film on the subject of art-house, and a very good sketch about mimes, taken two girls. As will be shown a film «the Algerian lions», filmed last year rather well-known in our city personalities Sergey Боровковым and Ilya Канухиным. Pleases, that each film festival are films made specifically for it. It should be noted that the format of the festival than last time changed for the better, if earlier, the organizers launched movies from a laptop, this time all the movies tweaked in the DCP-packets that are just format films. The hall will be installed projector with a special lens, so that the quality of the show is much better. Film festival will be held in the big hall of the cinema «Vladivostok» June 8 to 16 hours. Be listed 8 short films, of which the audience will need to choose one. Entrance is free. List of participants of the Second Vladivostok youth film festival «noise»: 1) Ilya Kanukhin, with the short film «the Algerian lions» (2), Galina Petrova, Anastasia Стребкова with the short film «Past» 3) Stepan Gaponov and Denis Вродливец the video clip of the group «Hurricane «yesterday» 4) Egor Knots and Svetlana Nikolaeva with the short film «Boiling» 5) Kirill Kireev and George Saenko with the film «Лазермэн» 6) Evgeny Шиибе with the short film «Ноцебо» 7) Igor Bolts and Vasily Шестовец the video clip of the group «Equator» «Morning» 8) Konstantin Slesarev and Matvey Головашин with the short film «He»
Source: Maria Pisareva, RIA «VladNews»

Опубликовано:   6-06-2013, 18:00      |      Категория:  eng news

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