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In Vladivostok, the festival of children's homes "Spring positive"

In Vladivostok, the festival of children\

May 14th festival will be held in Vladivostok orphans "Spring positive." The festival participants - students sponsored fund child care for orphans and children left without parental care.

The festival will feature a gala concert with the participation of teams sponsored institutions, the fair will be organized creative children's homes, work on thematic sections.

The event is held to support the development of children's creativity and the creative potential of children in orphanages in Vladivostok and Primorsky Krai, the organization of space for socializing children in orphanages for creative exchange of knowledge, experience, social interaction, revealing the creative and social potential in orphanages for the organization of further individual patronage .

The work of thematic sections will further organize individual patronage of children, and coming in some form of creativity, professional skills, and social activity.

At the closing ceremony of the festival the most deserving on the basis of the academic year will be awarded valuable gifts and souvenirs.

The program of the festival May 14:

Vladivostok Palace of Culture of Railway;

11:00-opening ceremony of the festival, gala - concert;

11:00 - 17:30 - work the charity fair,

13:45 - 17:45 - work thematic sections;

18:00 - closing ceremony of the festival.

Sponsors and organizers invite everyone to help run the festival.

To contact us by phone 8 (423) 277-66-72.

Опубликовано:   14-05-2013, 00:20      |      Категория:  eng news

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