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Rural teachers and doctors of Primorye will earn more

Rural teachers and doctors of Primorye will earn more

Joint meeting of the two public advisory councils held in the regional administration.

Experts from the Health Council and the Council for Social Support discussed the draft law "On pay state workers the Primorsky Territory."

The document proposes changes to salaries, a new system of raising factors, changing the format of incentive payments. Also, the bill provides compensation for work in rural areas.

The main purpose of the law - to increase the salaries of state employees. It concerns 53 thousand people working in health, education, culture, and social protection.

Board members approved the proposed changes. They supported the need to increase salaries to state and improve the forms of payment. The bill recommended for further consideration by the working groups and to make the Legislative Assembly of the region.

Опубликовано:   30-03-2013, 10:00      |      Категория:  eng news

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