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Drunk resident of Primorye threatened violence to the first comer, scorching the air

Drunk resident of Primorye threatened violence to the first comer, scorching the air

Police detained a resident of Nakhodka for threatening murder.

Last night the duty of the Russian MOMVD by a man called of the guerrilla zones. The complainant said that an unknown young man threatened him with a subject similar to the gun, and the shooting in the air.

At the scene left investigative team. Were interviewed eyewitnesses of the incident. As a result, the operational-search activities attire of traffic police in the village of Sokolchi detained citizen born in 1979. The suspect ran the car in a state of extreme intoxication. If inspection of the car police found a gun.

Man is brought to the police department MOMVD Russia on guerrilla zone where it is established that the arrested person has a permit for possession and carrying of firearms. The issue of a criminal case. Investigates the circumstances of the accident.

Опубликовано:   12-05-2013, 17:20      |      Категория:  eng news

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