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Film Festival "Pacific Meridian" will be part of the "Summer of 2013 on the Russian"

Film Festival "Pacific Meridian" will be included in the program "Russian Summer in 2013."

Film Festival "Pacific Meridian" will be part of the "Summer of 2013 on the Russian"

Festival "Pacific Meridian" collects friends

August 16 on the campus of Palo Program Director Film Festival «Pacific Meridian» and talk about what activities will take place in the framework of international cinematographic.

The participants will hear the most interesting facts about the Netherlands Film, program director will explain how selected films - participants of the festival.

The Netherlands in particular. Also during the meeting will be attended by famous European artists Jeff Bertelsen (Belgium) and Joshua Pennings (Netherlands).

2013 officially declared the Year of the Netherlands in Russia, which was the reason for drawing attention to the culture of this country.

"Summer in Russian - 2013" will be held from 14 to 18 August. The program of the World Rally Championship-raid on aquabikes, the "Miss World Cup 2013" Art Festival, Pankration Championship, the competition on the boats "Dragon", and others. A series of exciting events dedicated to the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Primorsky Territory - VestiRegion.ru reported the press service of the Governor of Primorye .

Film Festival "Pacific Meridian" will be part of the "Summer of 2013 on the Russian"

Опубликовано:   6-08-2013, 20:46      |      Категория:  eng news

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