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Vladivostok build three bridges

Vladivostok build three bridges

This year, in Vladivostok will begin work on the bridge overhaul Robinson, to create a bypass road along the Amur Bay, will be expanded highway outside Kotelnikov, and renovated and remodeled dozens of city streets. For these purposes will be allocated more than one billion rubles.

At the meeting of the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Economic Policy and Property MPs briefed on prospects of development, maintenance and repair of the road network in Vladivostok. The parliamentarians was addressed by the chief content management of housing and urban areas of the city administration Leonid Wilczynski.

In 2013 the road system of the regional center will receive about 1 billion 313 million rubles. For the reconstruction of roads will be sent to more than 140 million rubles for repair - 512 million rubles, the content - 578 million rubles, and the installation and maintenance of road equipping items - 82 million.

With the onset of spring begin road work in the area "Snow - Ermine." Planned reconstruction of streets Dnieper, Vostrezova, Caves. Repairs will be carried out in the city center - the 1st Marine, Admiral Zakharov Posetsky, Bestuzhev. In the recreation area - Cape Tokarevsky fully zaasfaltiruyut road leading to the sea. The street Svetlanskaya work will continue to dismantle the tram tracks.

According to Leonid Wilczynski, in 2013 work will begin on the reconstruction of the bypass road along the Amur Bay. Now preparing documentation to create this highway.

There will also be a reconstruction of the transport interchange at the intersection of streets and Firsov Chapaev. Held repair site "Borisenko - Patroclus." Will be reconstructed streets Kotelnikov. Highway widened to four lanes. Remodel as street Fadeev, Borisenko, Sports. There will also be repaired Shuya and Yenisei.

This year, work will begin to repair the bridge on the street Rudnev, who has long been considered an emergency. The plans - to build another bridge parallel action. In addition, the planned construction of two small bridges along the street of Borodino.

After a report on the prospects of development, maintenance and repair of the road network in Vladivostok MPs questions.

Deputy Dmitry Novikov asked what the possibility of obtaining federal funding for repairs and construction of new roads in Vladivostok. According to Leonid Wilczynski, plans for the reconstruction of urban highways were submitted to the Russian government, so there is a possibility of obtaining additional revenue, except for use of municipal and regional funds.

Deputy Alexei Kozitskiy said about the need to restore trolleybus traffic in the suburbs of Vladivostok. As assured Leonid Wilczynski, movement trolley to Sanzio "The Seagull" will resume as early as this year. In the future we plan to extend the route to the station "offender", where now there is building a sports and concert complex.

"To Vladivostok hundreds of kilometers of roads - a lot , - Said Deputy Sergei Ishchenko. - But the amount that is allocated for the reconstruction of roads and the regional center, is also very impressive. I hope that the money can be repaired many roads of Vladivostok, and the citizens will be satisfied with repair work. "

Опубликовано:   6-03-2013, 10:52      |      Категория:  eng news

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