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Employees Savings Bank led the convoy

Employees Savings Bank led the convoy Employees of the Savings Bank led a column of bank workers in the pageant's Day parade in Vladivostok, which was held on July 6. More than 100 employees of the bank were on Svetlanskaya in front of thousands of spectators. Participation in large-scale procession took the staff of all departments of the bank in Vladivostok, including its sub-offices. Ahead of the trucks were 4 security van. As was announced at the parade, Sberbank today is the largest bank not only Russia but the whole of Eastern Europe. The Bank serves more than 100 million Russians and about 1 million businesses, not only in Russia but also in other countries. Founded in 1841 the Savings Bank today - it's more than 200000 employees, nearly 20000 offices and approximately 70000 ATMs and payment terminals. It is now kept in the Savings Bank, almost half of all the savings of citizens, and is issued every third loan in our country. Currently, the bank is surely among the top 50 largest banks in the world, taking in the last year first in the world for return on assets and equity among all banks of the world. In Vladivostok, today there are over 50 service outlets of the bank and more than 450 ATMs and payment terminals. Effective operation of the bank in the capital of Primorye provide more than 1100 employees.

Опубликовано:   8-07-2013, 23:49      |      Категория:  eng news

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