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Roman Abramovich's private jet landed in Vladivostok

This morning at the airport Vladivostok personal Boeing 767 landed Roman Abramovich.
Businessman met the mayor Igor Pushkarev.

Roman Abramovich's private jet landed in Vladivostok

Roman Abramovich arrived in Vladivostok

Even as governor of Chukotka, Roman Abramovich flew to Vladivostok, now a businessman wondered how capital Primorye changed in the meantime.

Oligarch praised the new airport, the route to the city, and of course, the Golden Bridge . Igor Pushkarev demonstrated guest opera and ballet.

Roman Abramovich arrived in Vladivostok to take part in the opening ceremony of a new medical center on Russian island of The likes of which the Far East.

Roman Abramovich's private jet landed in Vladivostok

Опубликовано:   1-07-2013, 21:00      |      Категория:  eng news

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