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Gorky Library will hold a traditional open house along with the radio, "Lemma"

Gorky Library will hold a traditional open house along with the radio, \"Lemma\" Photo: Library of Gorky

Primorye Regional Public Library. AM Gorky 19 April 2013 carries a traditional open house "Gorkovka mode"NON-STOP". The library will be open to the public from 10 am to 10 pm. This project involves Radio "Lemma", Maritime College of Technology and Service, Vladivostok Art College Fund "Phoenix", Institute of Geography, Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences IIAE and other organizations.

For visitors of all ages is offered intense, extraordinary program. The opening will take place at 10 am. Program the Greater Reading Room will begin with a reminder of M. Gorky namewhich is Library. Teachers of Russian Language and Literature universities and high schools of the city will think about what is needed to Gorky today? EK Kucheryavenko, author of "The Bitter and the Far East" to share their memories, and the participation of the People's Artist of Russia A.Bugreeva, a fragment from the movie Pudovkin's "Mother" and is a pianist and winner of international competitions this D.Volobueva complement the unit. Greeted the assembled guests Libraries turn Sachs chairman of the Primorsky TerritoryVictor Gorchakov. Among the distinguished guests Metropolitan Veniamin of Vladivostok and Primorye.

Then, at 11 o'clock will begin the presentation of the book "Tiger" People's Artist of the Russian city of Khabarovsk Gennady Pavlishin titled "Fire-beast" and the year of environmental initiatives. "Gennady Pavlishin world famous illustrator collected in a book their own magnificent illustrations of nature, wildlife and the Amur tiger. Also included texts scientists AP OkladnikovaD.Brodyanskogo, N.Artemevoy, writer S.Kucherenko. This book is not only a worthy monument of literary culture - it can be considered as a strong argument in defense of the art of the Far Eastern nature, wildlife, and in particular the Amur tiger. The presentation will involve scientists, FEB RAS, representatives of the Foundation "Phoenix", the Amur branch of the World Wildlife Fund, Conservation Institute, writers and artists. We invite all concerned people who are committed to our Far Eastern nature and its inhabitants.

Entertainment show program "A matter of taste. Caps. Again salt" will delight fashionistas Vladivostok. It will start at 14 hours. They are waiting for a fascinating story about the history of fashion hat, familiarity with a collection of exclusive Nina Koltovich hats, millinery fashion show, fragments of films, slide shows "Englishwomen prefer hats." On the show program invited Honored Artist of Russia Galina Kopylov. A dance duo ancient dance studio "Heritage" will dance, which in the early 20th century was called the king of dance.

And in the 16 hours to begin the talk show "All to Kucha" about youth and youth culture. Talk show - this is a new format of the event for the library. Talk shows will gather interesting participants - writer Vasily Avchenko, chief artist Paul Shugurova Vladivostok, designer, winner of the "Pygmalion" Alexander Gribnohod and creative journalist Vilitariya Filatov. Lead - a well-known radio over the air, "Lemma" Alain Shestakov (the show "Evening Bells"). Referee - Natalia Fedorov, Doctor of Arts Palo.

The last event of the Great Hall at 19 - Futura-evening "delights Puppet Show." An attempt to reconstruct the young style and manners of artistic bohemia of Vladivostok early 20's. All the fun is here! Poetic duel, unexpected guests, exclusive footage of silent films with the participation of Cold Faith and videos, music, dance, cuisine and more.

The Hall Library will open at 15:00 pm Music Room "Music Hall" From Edison to the "figure" - from the history of recording. "Story-concert in two parts. During the first - will offer visitors see the exhibition" Vinyl Opening Day of Primorye. "Here will present the full sound reproducing apparatus - gramophone, phonograph, gramophone, phonograph records, etc. You will be able to hear the voice of Lenin, Stalin, NK Krupskaya, Ernest Hemingway, Yesenin, Osip Mandelstam, Mayakovsky and even Tolstoy and others

decorate a music hall singer singing his song and dance ensemble Pacific Fleet, People's Artist of Russia Alexander Stolyarov, an ensemble of accordionists "Rainbow" Children's Creative Center in Vladivostok (head S.Pavlenko ), a vocal ensemble of the Youth Center Dalrybtuza. At 18 am starts the second branch, which will show their mastery of the creative workshop "NovikovStudio". They will present the project "Masters of Vladivostok," featuring singer-songwriters Andrew and Alexander Zemskova Burnaevskogo. Leading Vladimir Novikov, head of the studio.

Organizers Music Hall announces share - "shellac - a second life." Library will take a gift gramophone records.

platform will work intensively Hall catalogs. There will be a series of events entitled "Who owns the information, owns the world ", the presentation of projects" The new format of old books. Regional editions. Digitized resources to fund them PCPD. AM Bitter. "Visitors will learn about the unique information resource on the history of the Primorsky Territory, with slide presentations" Hospitable Vladivostok - hotels and restaurants. 1860 - 1917g.g. "," Panorama of dates and events of Primorsky Krai. Year 2013. ". At 15 o'clock will begin the presentation of projects -" The new format of old books. Regional editions. Digitized resources to fund them PCPD. AM Bitter. "Represent projects will be Vladimir Podmaskin, doctor of historical sciences, professor IIAE FEB RAS, Roman Avilov, member of the RGS, a graduate student Palo, George Klimov, a member of the Union of Journalists of Russia, a leading expert PCPD them. Gorky." Emigrant item . "Information Navigator for posterity. Commented inventor of head of the department of regional studies bibliography Nina Ivantsova." pages of these books - the story itself. "Exposition reprint the history of Primorsky Krai and its commentary head of the department of acquisition Helena Gulueva.

So forward vladivostoktsev April 192013 in Primorsky Regional Public Library. Gorky Open Day "Gorkovka" mode NON-STOP-5 "!

Tel. for inquiries - 2456259
Center cultural programs.
Libraries address - street. Nekrasov, 59 and the (remaining transport "Nekrasovskaya").

Опубликовано:   18-04-2013, 12:00      |      Категория:  eng news

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