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So last weekend was summer hot.

So last weekend was summer hot. So last weekend was summer hot. What expects us to the end of June? About it we talk to the head of the Примгидромета Boris Кубаем. Boris Viktorovich, You could open the swimming season? - Of course, managed, the sea water is already quite suitable for bathing, truth, short. On the coast of Primorye at the weekend, especially on Sunday it was summer is hot, what is that? - In short, with a comb Pacific anticyclone, which occupied a dominant position above the waters of the North-Western part of the Pacific ocean, Japan and the Yellow sea. Moreover, on Sunday over the Yellow sea additionally formed anticyclone, which strengthened the transfer of air masses from the territory of China and Korea. Yesterday morning fog in Vladivostok was not, and today there was a weak, it's a bad sign? This is a sign that gradually direction of air mass transfer begins to change with South-Western, Western and South. Anticyclone over the Yellow sea began to lose strength and will soon disappear altogether. Consequently, the weather this week several changes to a more favorable for normal operation. And a little more? - You see, in the heat of the work is difficult. Here and will become cooler appear familiar to us, morning mists, and the temperature of air will set up a working mood. In the middle of the week once again tries to declare itself охотоморский anticyclone, several strengthening cool, but his joy will be short. After a couple of days circumstances force him to leave the Okhotsk sea and pass through the Kuril Islands in the Pacific ocean. Then the wind again begins to turn from the East, South-East to the South. The following weekend weather will again be favorable for recreation. But if I were asked to choose between Saturday and Sunday, I would chose Saturday. And what will happen in the region? In the region will be warm. In the beginning of the week some short thunderstorms are possible. What can You say about Typhoon Leepi? - I would say that it is done. To us it is going to ahead of ourselves threw a sufficient number of subtropical heat to in the Yellow sea was formed anticyclone and warmth, not only the air on the coast of Primorye, but also the water of the sea of Japan.


Опубликовано:   24-06-2013, 17:15      |      Категория:  eng news

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