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In Primorye investigation check is conducted against the traffic police

July 17 in the evening DPS inspector separate platoon traffic police, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Vladivostok in his spare time while on Azure Bay in Vladivostok, drove the car while intoxicated.

In Primorye investigation check is conducted against the traffic police

Debtor Primorye unsuccessful candidate neighbor

A drunk driver tried to stop officers patrol separate platoon traffic police MOI of Russia for the city of Vladivostok. He did not obey the requirements tried to escape with the car touched one of the police officers in connection with what police had to use service weapons, producing a warning shot into the air.

According to the results of preliminary inquiries will procedural decision - said VestiRegion.ru
Investigation Department of the TFR in the Primorye Territory.

In Primorye investigation check is conducted against the traffic police

Опубликовано:   18-07-2013, 22:45      |      Категория:  eng news

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