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Traffic on the third traffic circle road

Traffic on the third traffic circle road Traffic on the third traffic circle road to the international airport "Vladivostok" is blocked in both directions. At the site of an accident under reconstruction. Cars are moving to the airport on a roundabout route. Working at the scene outfits inspectors of traffic police and the technical supervision of the traffic police. Remember, today, at 9:30 am on the 10 kilometer route Vladivostok - Nakhodka, leading to the international airport, overturned heavy vehicles MAZ carrying propane. Bolshegruzov moved from Ussuriysk the airport. Arrived on the scene outfits traffic police, inspectors autotechnical services and road traffic police supervision, employees' Primavtodora "MOE. Inspectors road supervision established that street and road network in place complies with the car accident. The satisfactory condition of the roadway: dry clean pavement. The weather is sunny, clear. The driver of MAZ, transporting liquefied gas, lost steering on the stretch of road with long corners and made a rollover. It is established that the driver was born in 1970 has a 26-year experience driving trucks. This year, he brought to administrative responsibility for exceeding the permissible speed. The results of the medical examination found that the driver was sober. Gas leaks are not allowed, the container has lost integrity. At the site of an accident emergency work continues. In connection with the leak of diesel fuel installing more traffic signs "Slippery road." Transportation to the airport is moving on a roundabout route. Traffic police Primorye asks drivers to be understanding of lag. Workers of all services are online. In the near future the traffic on the highway Artem-Airport will be restored. Traffic on the third traffic circle road Traffic on the third traffic circle road Traffic on the third traffic circle road Traffic on the third traffic circle road

Опубликовано:   19-08-2013, 18:46      |      Категория:  eng news

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