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Children rest in the country, specialized camps, and

Children rest in the country, specialized camps, and Children rest in the country, specialized camps, as well as in the camps on the basis of social service agencies. A total of 2013 on rest and recuperation of children in difficult situations, directed more than 107.2 million rubles, of which about 79.8 million rubles - from the federal budget. Also for children in difficult situations, purchased 1200 tickets to suburban health camps in the amount of 1223 million rubles, the 4158 tour - to specialized camps on the basis of country residential health facilities in the amount of 3418 million rubles. As of August 12013 at various camps had vacations 6768 children in difficult situations. Of these, 1185 children were vacationing in town camps, 3006 - in specialized camps, 2577 - in children's camps on the basis of 13 institutions of social services for families and children. At the request of the Maritime regional organization of the All-Russian Society of Disabled acquired 50 passes for rest and recovery in the country camp, located on the coast near Nakhodka for disabled children suffering from particularly severe disease. Rest of children scheduled for August.

Опубликовано:   7-08-2013, 17:45      |      Категория:  eng news

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