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Violations of land use in the Maritime region have caused a criminal case

With respect to the head of the Nadezhda district of Primorye Gregory Vedernikova in April prosecuted. The occasion was the results of an inspection carried out jointly by Rosselkhoznadzor and the FSB.

Violations of land use in the Maritime region have caused a criminal case

With respect to the district head in Primorye prosecuted

The audit found that, in violation of the law of the land district administration has allocated a commercial company near p.Klyuchevoy 1.7 hectares of land for the development of career sedimentary rocks.

Two sites have been declared as industrial land, although they are not. As a result, 4 years on farmland successfully worked quarry, which is strictly prohibited by law.

The size of damage to the environment amounted to 11.4 million rubles - VestiRegion.ru reported the press service of Rosselkhoznadzor for Primorsky Krai and Sakhalin Oblast. Now the head of the Nadezhda district of Primorye will answer for their actions to the fullest extent of the law.

Violations of land use in the Maritime region have caused a criminal case

Опубликовано:   21-05-2013, 13:31      |      Категория:  eng news

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