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Members of the Legislative Assembly of Primorsky Krai

Members of the Legislative Assembly of Primorsky Krai

Members of the Legislative Assembly of Primorsky Krai took part in the celebrations of the Day of Navy of Russia.

The festivities began with a solemn wreath-laying ceremony at the Eternal Flame memorial "Battle Glory of the Pacific Fleet," in Vladivostok. In celebration was attended by Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Olga Golodets, Education Minister Dmitry Livanov, Vladimir Miklushevsky Governor, Chairman of the Legislative Assembly Victor Gorchakov, members of the regional parliament, the command of the Pacific Fleet, the public and the clergy.

On the Amur Bay, a parade of ships of the Pacific Fleet Military Sport[br> First holiday pageant, a demonstration of combat capabilities of weapons and military equipment to the Pacific Fleet station. In the evening, the house in the Vladivostok naval officers held a concert dedicated to the Day of the Navy.

"Our main sea holiday is always filled with a sincere respect for the man-of-war's man, whose vocation is to defend the Fatherland, the protection of the world - the speaker of the regional parliament Viktor Gorchakov. - In the history of Tofa many examples of feats of arms and selfless service to the motherland. This year we will be celebrating 110 years of the birth of Nicholas Egipko - the first Soviet officer of the Navy, which became the hero of the Soviet Union. Since 1932 he served on submarines in the Maritime region. started many kilometers[br> e hiking beneath the ice, became the first commander of the Soviet Union who have achieved far and effective campaign the submarine to the coast of the enemy. After the war, led the Odessa Naval Academy, where he prepared for the Navy personnel, including for the Pacific. Such people - a good example for young sailors. "

Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of Viktor Gorchakov expressed confidence that the sailors of Pacific[br> particles will continue to faithfully serve the Fatherland, passing the heroic tradition of devotion to military duty, St. Andrew's flag and the unbreakable brotherhood of the sea. He wished them good health, prosperity, military and labor achievements for the benefit of the Fatherland.

Press-service of the Legislative Assembly of Primorsky Krai

Опубликовано:   28-07-2013, 16:18      |      Категория:  eng news

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