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Overhaul of houses adjoining areas in Vladivostok

Overhaul of houses adjoining areas in Vladivostok Overhaul of houses adjoining areas in Vladivostok is in all areas of the city. This year, the regional center capitally repaired about 70 houses adjoining areas. On a number of objects contractors conduct earthworks - macadam base is prepared for the installation of asphalt concrete pavement and install curb. A part of the yards have been renovated and arrange well working area after repairs. Recall that the repair of surrounding territory is held in Vladivostok on behalf of the mayor Igor Pushkarev. In addition to 30 yards of new curbs and asphalt install playgrounds and sports complexes. Depending on the area of territory, the landscape, the location of underground utility equipment and children's playgrounds are different. At some appear playgrounds, swings and sandbox, while others - gymnastic camps and volleyball courts. Together with the residents work on the improvement of domestic territories takes the head of Vladivostok Igor Pushkarev. Completed and accepted work on the street Russian, 35 of the Assumption, 106 Zigure, 22 Gamarnika, 19-21. Ongoing repairs adjoining areas along the street Karl Zigure, 12-16 Kharkov, 3 Nekrasov, 57 Tolstoy, 35 Tukhachevsky, 42 and others. And Karbysheva, 50/2 Rudnev, 46810 Dobrowolski, 39 Nerchinsk, 48-50 road repair has been completed, and the contractor is preparing to install playgrounds towns. In the near future the residents of these small houses will be able to ride on the swings, roundabouts and slides, as well as exercise on fitness equipment, horizontal bar and gym complex.

Опубликовано:   16-08-2013, 17:47      |      Категория:  eng news

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