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Department of transport of administration of Vladivostok

Department of transport of administration of Vladivostok Department of transport of administration of Vladivostok informed about the conduct of tomorrow, June 29 preparatory works to launch a tram route «Мингородок» - «Tram depot» - told RIA «VladNews» in the press-service of administration of Vladivostok. Recall that the tram line 6 from Баляева to Sakhalin was suspended in may 2011 due to the fact that the regional enterprise «Primorsky Vodokanal started laying on the street Borisenko networks of city treatment facilities. It was planned that this work will be completed within six months, and the tram will again appear on the line. City authorities promptly organized the work of the tram line 6 to the temporary shorter route from Баляева to the stop of «Stadion» in the area of the School. It was assumed that the carriage of passengers to the Sakhalin resumes by spring 2012. However, «Примводоканал» not only crudely ripped off all the time, but refused to restore the dismantled his teams tramways, freezing process as two years. The situation had to intervene Chapter Vladivostok Igor Пушкареву, and then for work come from contractors enterprise «electric transport». As a result of today rails again laid from the School to the depot, and starting from Monday, July 1 route 6 will last from Landmine town on Баляева up to this point. And here are the final preparatory work for the next two weekends, from June 29 to July 1 the work of the tram on route «Мингородок» - «Stadium» will be suspended. Passengers apologize for these inconveniences, which will be fully compensated by this coming Monday. At the same time Igor Pushkarev set a task to fully restore the tram traffic from Баляева to Sakhalin by September of this year.

Опубликовано:   28-06-2013, 12:01      |      Категория:  eng news

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