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Instead of the old, the ravages of time stairs in Vladivostok

Instead of the old, the ravages of time stairs in Vladivostok Instead of the old, the ravages of time stairs in Vladivostok establish new structures. Works are conducted in all parts of the city. As have informed in management of maintenance of the housing stock and urban territories of the administration of Vladivostok, is currently working at 35 stairs, and 100% ready - about 25 objects. At present works on installation of stairs from the stop of public transport «House of veterans» to Седанкинскому home-schools, from the house number 4 on the ул.Ватутина to neibuta St., 24 St. Tukhachevskogo, 48A, Communication, 5 from the Aleutian, 57 and to the Border, 26 Tukhachevskogo, 60-64 (being installed ramps), Komsomol, 27A (for MIDDLE school №17»), Ul. Irtysh, 6. A new ladder on the instructions of the mayor Igor Pushkarev establish on Karbysheva street, 26 where since the construction of the neighborhood of a flight of stairs was not and the inhabitants were forced to walk on the slope. During a field meeting on issue of renovation and improvement of urban territories, the mayor visited this facility. Recall that this year, repair staircases will be held in several stages. Just this year repair order 120 ladders, which in some cases represent the construction of three or more spans.

Опубликовано:   13-06-2013, 17:01      |      Категория:  eng news

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