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Many schools and kindergartens have repaired the roof

Many schools and kindergartens have repaired the roof Many schools and kindergartens have repaired the roof and facades are insulated to help keep warm in winter. In-house communication of residential buildings for heating season ready to manage the company. According to their reports, flushing and pressure testing systems conducted by 86%. Hydraulic tests are carried out, flushing and pressure testing systems, reconstruction of networks, repair of boilers. So on Zigure, 16 old pipe was replaced with a new, modern and more durable. On Alexandrovich upgraded boiler. New polymer tube paved the central heating station at Kiev, 5 to houses on the street Internationally, 53-71. On the island of Russian fuel for the winter delivered in full. Now it is delivered to the Reynard and Popov. As experts control the fuel and energy complex of the city administration, last heating season was in normal mode. All boilers city, including the island territories, the fuel delivered without fail. Educational, cultural and health care were provided with heat in full. For multi-family residential buildings with central heating system and the heat was applied without interruption. Emerging accident quickly eliminated. In this season we plan and future. Recall, the heating season begins in the last days of October. First, the heat supplied to education, health and culture, and a few days later in the apartment residents.

Опубликовано:   17-09-2013, 13:59      |      Категория:  eng news

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