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Ilya Lagutenko: "In August, we will act in Vladivostok for free and the festival will present V-Rox our new album"

Ilya Lagutenko: \"In August, we will act in Vladivostok for free and the festival will present V-Rox our new album\" Photo: Anatoly Filatov

Responding to questions from music portal Kroogi, the leader of the Mummy TrollIlya Lagutenko shared some details of large-scale festival Vladivostok Rocks, which will be held in the city from 23 to 25 August.

- How did the idea of the festival V-ROX?

- In my view, this is a kind of ideological hybrid format music festival "Open Air" and the creative laboratory of the city festival. I have always been attracted to the idea of organizing an event where people come not onlylook at some headliners.
Say, now, I'm more interested beginners Russian artists. And for them, it had been a "show-case", that is, speech would be joined with the conferences. As for the new touring route - it is probably the most dynamic region. Just look at the routes of all Western artists: all now have plans and Beijing and Seoul. Now it is not only Japan, because everyone understands what is going through a period of growththe economy of the entire region. Again, rock music has evolved greatly in recent years, Asian countries, in the same Korea, for example. In this region, there is still a strong market in India, where the music has millions of followers. So I think that given the unique opportunity to Vladivostok. Ten years ago, the idea of such a festival would be a fantasy. But now Vladivostok may indeed be the musical capital of the region, because it is at the crossroads of Asia, Europe and America.

- Artists of which countries are you going to invite?

- First of all, who is the Asia-Pacific region. And this - the coast of America, Australia, Asia (primarily, are China, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand). In these countries is very interesting "scene" and interesting "Electronics". What we all have in common? Neither Russia, nor any of the Asian countries now dominate the globe. Here we are all alike, and basically everyone is looking for some effective ways to monetize their music, but everyone does something, remaining in place. Maybe I would not have been so confident stance that all this can be changed if it were not for the success of our "Mummy Troll Music Bar" in Vladivostok. Before I was treated with some doubt to the fact that live music can be so much in demand, but it turned out that, yes - the people go, and they have a need to look different groups. We brought a lot of independent youth groups, all of them are always a warm reception, and, of course, all of this has a positive impact on the work of institutions. I want to show everyone that Vladivostok has undergone great changes. Sometimes even the locals do not understand what happened to their hometown. All have heard that built a bridge across the Golden Horn, and just gossip about who and how much money stolen during construction. But in fact, no one yet fully understood how this bridge will change the situation in the city. And believe me, it will change. And the fact that the island built a new university in the long run, too, will change the life of the city.

- Your new album will be presented to the public for the first time only at the festival?

- Yes, we are giving this album the festival. We will perform for free, and we understand that we may even have to take some of the costs. But we have a lot of like-minded people in the administration of the city and local businesses. And, most of all, we even do not yet understand the breadth of that in mind. Usually I say to everyone: "Let's talk about the results of the festival in 10 years."
Because festivals - this thing is: no one, not two or three years must pass in order to understand what were the results.
But our whole trip around the world on the "Sedov" I used as a kind of "road show" the whole idea. I personally met with the groups with managers, agents, music producers in Japan, Korea and China, and Singapore, and Hong Kong, and Los Angeles. I can tell you, these people are unanimous and unanimously supported me. What you need actors? To get noticed. Ours - needs America, Australia, Asia. The same need that Korea is Japan, China again, the same Russian. The same Americans need and Asia, and Russia.
So this is based on the idea quite honest, that looks more like a musical diplomacy, we call it so. And to attract industry experts who deal with this sort of thing more than a year and achieved success in this endeavor, is also quite interesting.
On the other hand, that the city should happen to people traveling here? That was the question I always have the local authorities

- And local authorities probably answer that this casino or the construction of new buildings?

- Yes, and this I answered that, yes, the casino - it is a lot of money for someone, but it is not what you will attract young people. You can build them a beautiful university, but they do behind the fence of the university? It should appear in his own life, which, incidentally, was in Vladivostok and the potential always exists. After all, this is a very energetic city that has always been the young - and the young remain. But in order to direct the vector of this life in a more creative aspect, you need some kind of creative activity. And in addition to music, I do not see anything else. Certainly not funded on Film Festival, where the audience usually can not get to a theater to watch a movie. And it should not be the day of the city, which will come well-paid actors, stars of the 80's, and then leave. It should be a life that does not end with one event, and can move both the economy and the creative communication on and on.

The full version of the material.

Опубликовано:   23-05-2013, 14:20      |      Категория:  eng news

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