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In Primorye ended operation "territorial security"

In Primorye ended operation "territorial security"
13 points of sale of drugs in the vicinity of schools eliminated employees
Russia's Federal Drug Control Service of the Office of the Primorsky Territory in the promotion period of "territorial security", aimed at
prevention and suppression of facts underage trafficking and consumption of drugs. It was found 39 crimes related to drug trafficking, seized
more than 4 kg of various types of drugs, said Seaside Drug Control.

For example,
active position of
teaching staff and the administration of one of the high schools in Vladivostok
has identified among pupils of a young man flying through the walls of the school
synthetic drug. In place of the staff were called seaside Drug Control, who confiscated drugs. Currently, this criminal case under article providing for liability for illegal possession of drugs, materials are transferred to the investigation department Pervorechenskij district of Vladivostok Investigation Department of Insurance Russia for the Primorye Territory. In the territory of one of the dormitories of professional schools Ussuriysk school administration officials revealed everyday objects to the presence of traces of drug manufacture - tetrahydrocannabinol. A number of persons living in the dormitory, were sent for a medical examination, the results of which
two of them were brought to administrative responsibility for consumption

Recall, the action was held
in the period from February 4
March 4 Departments FDCS
and the Russian Interior Ministry.
in Primorsky Krai, the Department of Social Welfare, Education and Science of Primorsky Krai.
In addition to the operational work conducted 72 surveys campus, students continue to test for basic drugs. Simultaneously worked to
identify factors contributing to
involvement of minors in
Consumption of drugs and work with families where parents allow
non-medical use of drugs.

As part of Operation KGAUSO "Seaside social services center"
examined 143
family. They
measures provided to
social support, recovery of documents,
buying clothes and school supplies, etc., conducted interviews and preventive
reception psychologist for parents whose children are in conflict with the law.

109 adolescents in the period of the campaign put on
record in units
juvenile, including 9 seen in
use of drugs and toxic substances.

In addition, the province held
more than a hundred various preventive measures for students, not only traditional art contests on the anti-drug themes, lectures and discussions, and health lessons, preventive games,
speech propaganda teams, Schoolchildren Vladivostok
also able to see
performance Primorsky Regional Drama Theatre of Youth "City Ghoul", clearly showing the family tragedy addict.

As a result of the operation will be analyzed
of findings
in drug trafficking, and adjusted preventive work with schools
and places of leisure of youth,
continue the search for new forms of prevention of juvenile delinquency.

Опубликовано:   26-03-2013, 14:00      |      Категория:  eng news

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