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Yesterday in clinical hospital № 1 of the city of Vladivostok

Yesterday in clinical hospital № 1 of the city of Vladivostok Yesterday in clinical hospital № 1 of the city of Vladivostok was held the solemn opening of the resuscitation Department for patients with acute disorders of cerebral circulation. Now Vladivostok citizens coming to the hospital with stroke, will be treated on high-quality European equipment, which will significantly increase their chances of quick the recovery. The opening was attended by chief physician ГБУЗ «Vladivostok clinical hospital № 1» Sergey Lebedev, rector Pacific medical University Valentin Шуматов, Vice-Governor of the Primorsky territory Irina Vasilkova and Director of the state institution of the territorial health insurance Fund Tamara Бокиевец. - Today we have officially started to work at the Department of resuscitation of the neurological Department for patients with acute violations of cerebral circulation, or with an acute stroke, began event the chief doctor ГБУЗ Vladivostok clinical hospital № 1» Sergey Lebedev. - When we say «new equipment», we should understand that this project is not one year: we for three and a half years was to realise this dream. It all started with the allocation of the Fund for compulsory medical insurance is very large amounts of 43 million on the purchase of computer tomograph. The scanner was delivered in 2010 and launched in 2011 without it new the technology is just not start to work. And then, like beads on a thread, started to be increased efforts on the creation and opening of the complex is and Department of neurology and resuscitation. 8 million in 2011 allocated city, they had purchased equipment for patient care beds, bedside tables, and the main event happened with the inclusion of the programme against stroke in the national project «Health», on it have been allocated Federal funds - 21 million rubles, they were purchased care equipment heavy - breathing apparatus, devices for tracking patients, monitors, Central station, and then money was received by the modernization program of health. We went to 88.5 million rubles. This money was acquired all the missing equipment, without which we would not be able to open up is, first of all, equipment for resuscitation, this amount includes phone, which would be delivered to us in the near future - angiographic complex, he also joins in structure of the equipment, because will allow to carry out elements of high technologies in the structure of our primary vascular compartment. And here today we have a complete set of equipment, which is a Ministerial order. According to Sergei Lebedev, all machines, standing in the ICU, modern, intensive care unit, designed for 12 persons, and a fully staffed, but even a little more laid - order the French Ministry of health allows it. In the Department are watching the monitors not only that work by themselves, but also allow the doctor-реаниматологу from his workplace to see all the patients in a grave condition. There are the artificial pulmonary ventilation equipment manufacture of Sweden and Germany, which, thanks to a thin programs settings allow you to perform artificial ventilation of the lungs is not one-two days, and as long as it takes for the patient, as well as special medical device - вертикализатор on which the patient even in a state of consciousness of the oppressed can be correctly positioned, fixed, and already accustom them from day to the fact that we all live in a vertical position, and if the patient is «a reservoir», it will be difficult to bring it back again and return to their normal activities. Patient specially fix, and running a doctor under the supervision of ECG raise a certain number of minutes in a day. With a solemn speech made an opening speech, the rector of ТОГМУ Valentin Шуматов: - I am very pleased today to be on the discovery, I myself resuscitator, and the appearance of such centres, of course, symbolic. And for the population of Primorsky Krai and Vladivostok residents, and for workers because patients will receive qualified assistance in quite other modern conditions do not differ from overseas, and this is very important. Of course, in such branches will be pleasant to work with and youth will seek to go. I hope that trend to support the health facilities in the Primorsky region will continue, and we will continue to see positive changes. Yesterday in clinical hospital № 1 of the city of Vladivostok Yesterday in clinical hospital № 1 of the city of Vladivostok Yesterday in clinical hospital № 1 of the city of Vladivostok Yesterday in clinical hospital № 1 of the city of Vladivostok Yesterday in clinical hospital № 1 of the city of Vladivostok Yesterday in clinical hospital № 1 of the city of Vladivostok Yesterday in clinical hospital № 1 of the city of Vladivostok Yesterday in clinical hospital № 1 of the city of Vladivostok Yesterday in clinical hospital № 1 of the city of Vladivostok Yesterday in clinical hospital № 1 of the city of Vladivostok Yesterday in clinical hospital № 1 of the city of Vladivostok Yesterday in clinical hospital № 1 of the city of Vladivostok Yesterday in clinical hospital № 1 of the city of Vladivostok Yesterday in clinical hospital № 1 of the city of Vladivostok Yesterday in clinical hospital № 1 of the city of Vladivostok
Source: Maria Pisarev, Igor Рачихин (photo), RIA «VladNews»

Опубликовано:   7-06-2013, 12:47      |      Категория:  eng news

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