Last weekend the weather was favorable in the regional center
Last weekend the weather was favorable in the regional center of recreation at the sea. Visitors and residents of Vladivostok headed to a popular beach - Bay Shamora. Despite the relatively calm weather, waves in the sea was strong enough. Unfortunately, not everyone who came to the beach to soberly assess the risk situation, forgetting about safety precautions. For example, in the police, who were carrying the service on the beach, with requests for help and a man ran up a child. They reported that a few dozen meters from the shore drowning woman, and they can not help her, because they do not know how to swim. Do not hesitate for a minute, the police rushed into the water. Andrey Stepanenko and his colleague Igor Vlasenko sailed from drowning, and placing it on the air mattress, they drew to shore, where she was expected to emergency room doctors, a husband and child. The victim was given first aid. Her life and health is not in danger. Family of victim expressed thanks and deep appreciation to the police, did not remain indifferent and had saved the life of a drowning woman. Herself the victim of police assured that in the future will comply with all applicable safety on the water and will not swim in the dangerous depth. Requests for help to save another drowning man there came to Andrey Stepanenko, shortly after the first incident. Police officer immediately swam to the aid without waiting for rescuers. Behind him walked trainee positions divisional commissioner Sergei Malak. At this time the victim of dangerous waves was a young girl. By the time the police colonel swam to her, the victim almost cried out. Holding the Man, Andrew and Sergey Stepanenko Malak waited until rescuers came to the rescue and the boat brought the victim to shore. As a result of the case, which nearly became fatal, she did not suffer, except for the state of shock, in which she remained for a long time. Police officers - Acting Deputy Chief of Police Lieutenant Andrew Stepanenko, a senior investigator Igor Vlasenko and trainee positions divisional commissioner Sergei Malak in response to the votes of those rescued, their friends and relatives reported that protect and save lives - not only a duty, but and honor of every officer. Nothing heroic in his actions nor Sergei Malak nor Igor Vlasenko, nor Andrey Stepanenko, twice thrown into the water to help drowning, do not see and consider it normal for someone who is a police officer shoulder boards.
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