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Another draw of land among large

Another draw of land among large Another draw of land among large families Vladivostok held today, July 23 at the Administration of Vladivostok. As the press service of the Primorsky Territory Administration, this time for land 6 families were invited to choose their consists of 7 sections. In the draw was attended by five families, one family did not come. In zherebevochnoy Commission participated in Vladivostok Duma chairman Helen Nowicka. Recall the land in accordance with the boundary law provides citizens with three or more children, free of charge to the property for private residential construction. The two sites are located in the street of the Kuril, 60 five more - with reference to the address of Coral Street, 2a (district Podgorodenki). A representative of each of the families was pulling his "lucky ticket" from a closed box. Here parents of large families exchanged phone numbers - in the future, to be good neighbors and, perhaps, to plan joint development sites. The family was not present at the draw, will be able to take part in the next procedure. According to the results of today's draw two plots remained unclaimed and will move to the next one. In the coming days, the municipal property management professionals ready to leave Vladivostok Administration organized a group of families - on the spot to show the border areas. At present, the land in Vladivostok for individual housing construction were 112 families, three families - for summer farm. Plots are available in the suburbs of Vladivostok - in their respective areas of use (for individual housing or suburban households). Experts Vladivostok Administration continue to prepare for large areas. In the short term planned development planning documents in the streets of Artek, 10.

Опубликовано:   23-07-2013, 16:02      |      Категория:  eng news

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