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My father had already agreed to elective surgery

My father had already agreed to elective surgery My father had already agreed to elective surgery for her daughter, to be held after October 10. But the family has no money even to carry out flight Vladivostok-Moscow. In the familyTishchenko waited first child. October 302006 was born a girl. Both mother and father were happy. But doctors, suspecting something was wrong, sent the girl and her mother to the survey. Tests have shown that a child is sick with cystic fibrosis. Doctors reassured - though severe illness, but, subject to ongoing care and treatment, it is possible to live a long life. The family started to fight for the life of the child. But every fight is not only the winners but also losers. The first gave mother. She just stopped to help her daughter. For Sonya in serious condition began caring father - Maxim Tishchenko and slung on their shoulders the care of the health of the daughter entirely. Mum since the family did not appear. - Deterioration of Sonia began three years - said the girl's father. - Diagnosis revealed that the left lung is almost no living space. Here flocked pus. Because of the concentration of viscous mucus developed inflammation. Disturbed blood flow and ventilation. And any infection, further increasing the viscosity of sputum. Such conditions are extremely dangerous for the life of a patient with cystic fibrosis. Besides, because of the lack of pancreatic enzymes poorly digested food, therefore child still lagging in weight. The father continued to do everything possible so that the girl felt good. Still, most of his life Sophia spent in the hospital, and my dad did not leave Maxim her crib. In January of this year, the two of them went to Moscow at the clinic, "Research Center for Children's Health" at the Lomonosov Prospect. Doctors had the surgery - in the vein vshili broviak and brought a tube, so that the girl could get in addition to the ordinary, even with medication and diet. The operation was successful, but Sophia weakened immunity, and several times she had been ill with infectious diseases. In these patients, they occur in a severe form. But Dad Maxim was always around, and together they managed. However, the clinic Sophia spent more than one month, as planned, but four. While the state of Sony doctors described as stable. This was achieved daily procedures, which holds in the early morning to late evening the father. He had to forget about his personal life, to postpone indefinitely started in the apartment repairs, then leave the job, and when it was sorely missed money for a cure - to sell a garage and a car. Each morning begins with the procedures that follow each other exactly on schedule drawn up by doctors. - I will spend inhalation with different drugs, doing massage - You have medical training? - Interested in Maximus. - No! - Sami learned? - Life is made. After carrying out this procedure, the liquid from the leaves and the light condition is improving. Now the girl can play. She enthusiastically sculpts from plasticine different figures, the master of a variety of home design, drawing horses. We found it after inhalation. To the girl approached her pet - cat Lilly, and she began to squeeze Fluffy. He only raised his paw and surrendered without resistance. This year, Sonia had to go to school, but in a group it can not be. A weak immune system. Near the house is a secondary school number 12 and perhaps one of the primary school teachers will respond to adversity and help the girl with home schooling. Father estimated that only vital medicine family must spend a month to 600 thousand rubles. - We prescribe discounted prescriptions, but I get a fifth, - said Maxim Tishchenko. - Now, however, the health department has paid the most expensive - dobromitsin (150 thousand). But it will be over soon. When Sonia becomes ill, she is waiting for help. The last time "ER" came quickly, because his father insisted. A day before she reached the patient 6 hours. Moscow "Scientific Center for Children's Health" appointed elective surgery. Doctors say that as long as is necessary to remove only the festering sacks. The operation will take place after October 10 of this year. But the father does not have money to travel to the capital and have nothing to sell. Now the family lives in a retirement Sonia, and it is about 11 thousand rubles. month. Without your support, it can not cope. For a trip to Moscow needed amount of 300 thousand rubles - for tickets, accommodation, food, medication and possible contingencies. Editors' AIF-Primorye "sent an official letter to one of the airlines in the region - perhaps with the flight of this little family will be able to help.


Опубликовано:   19-09-2013, 11:16      |      Категория:  eng news

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