In the capital of Primorye completed Annual Forum of the Russian American Pacific Partnership (RAPP).
Forum RAPP completed in Vladivostok
The international event was held September 17 - 18. At the final press conference was attended by the Director of the Secretariat of the Russian Anatoly RAPP Brown and Director of the Secretariat of the American RAPP Derek Norberg, as well as U.S. Consul General in Vladivostok Eric Anders Holm-Olsen.
"RAPP - the only intergovernmental instrument, where entrepreneurs, businessmen and ordinary citizens are free to register and participate on an equal basis with prominent politicians and experts. I want the citizens and companies have considered it - RAPP meeting will take place in the next year ", - said Derek Norberg.
Significance Forum RAPP the director of the Secretariat of the Russian Anatoly Brown.
" Our forum contributed to the development of Sakhalin gas projects. He also contributed to the identification of problems and their submission to the federal level, both in Russia and in the United States. relieves tension that arose between the people working on projects. An important task was to facilitate the visa regime.
supported him and Derek Norberg .
"I know that at the level of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia and the U.S. State Department from us asking for recommendations on development issues. because our members know best what is best for the general welfare" - he told reporters.
According to Derek Norberg, Primorye may be interested in American tourists, including - an integrated entertainment zone.
Anatoly Brown, in turn, said that the edge is not enough known outside Russia.
"The reality is that the tracker recent flight from the United States arrives half empty. problem is that the edge is not advertised. At the meeting, we discussed it, we will take action. Let us specific problems that hinder the development of tourism, "- he said.
"Definitely, that the city should be of interest to American tourists. You have recently undergone a rock festival, which even wrote newspaper NewYorkTimes. It takes a lot of conventions, conferences, international film festival.
People involved in such activities have become ambassadors of goodwill. Go home and talk about what they had seen, said Eric Anders Holm-Olsen.
Responding to a question on what sector of the economy edges of most interest to investors from the U.S., Derek Norberg said oil and gas sector and hospitality.
"But first we need to develop trade relations as well as cooperation in the field of high technologies", - he stressed.
The final document by RAPP meeting would be prepared and available to all - reported press service of the governor of Primorye.