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July 3 as a result of torrential rains accident

July 3 as a result of torrential rains accident July 3 as a result of torrential rains accident occurred on the networks of power that caused the termination of power supply for the village Sokolchi Lazo district. The audit found that the electricity supply was restored only after 26 hours. What is in violation of the Rules of utility services, which stated that the permissible duration of the break in the power supply of apartment houses and homes in a single power source is 24 hours. As reported by RIA "VladNews" Elena Telegina, Senior Assistant Attorney Primorsky Krai, for violation of the rights of the inhabitants of the village of the district prosecutor made a representation Director of "Guerrilla" of "DEC" to eliminate violations of the law and the need for a recalculation of payments for electricity. In addition, in respect of that instituted administrative proceedings under Art. 723 of the Code of Administrative Offences (violation of regulations to ensure public utilities). The results of the adopted acts responses are controlled by the prosecutor's office in the district.

RIA "VladNews"

Опубликовано:   8-07-2013, 23:47      |      Категория:  eng news

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