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Its main topic was the report of the leaders of the two departments

Its main topic was the report of the leaders of the two departments Its main topic was the report of the leaders of the two police departments - № 5 (Soviet) and # 6 (Ocean) on the readiness to ensure security and order on city beaches and zones of rest of citizens and guests of the Primorye capital. The Council meeting was attended by heads of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia, Vladivostok, representatives of the city Administration. In their speeches, the speakers noted that the city police is ready to ensure public order on the territory of suburban beaches. In the Bay area Azure (Shamory) equipped with stationary police posts, where round-the-clock duty district commissioners of police and criminal investigators. In the Bay area «Емар» also has a precinct police. Patrolling beach areas are mobile squads of non-departmental protection and patrol services, MVD, Vladivostok round the clock. Daily police riding childrens health institutions, located in a suburban area of Vladivostok. Cooperation has been established with the heads of the administrations, the scheme of warning in case of emergency. Discussing the reports of the leaders of the Soviet and Ocean police departments, members of the Public Council under the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia, Vladivostok agreed: the police of the city is ready to ensure the protection of the order and safety of citizens in the period of summer rest of citizens and guests of the regional center.

The press service of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia, Vladivostok

Опубликовано:   27-06-2013, 11:46      |      Категория:  eng news

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