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Young people gathered in the Primorye competition "School Safety"

The village Lukiyanobskaya Shkotovsky region of Primorsky Krai started gathering 58 students to get involved in tourism.

Young people gathered in the Primorye competition "School Safety"

Young rescuers gathered at the regional meeting of

"Safety School" gathered 20 teams from all corners of Primorye , Boys aged 12 to 187 years old will compete for the title of the strongest teams.

During the competition the young lifeguards demonstrate not only the already existing skills, but also acquire new ones. They learn how to behave in emergency aid to the victims.

Useful rally jointly organized a regional department of education, "Children and Youth Centre" and the Ministry of Emergency Measures of Russia Primorsky Krai.

The guys reveal themselves at different distances, are the "business card" of the team, the skills tourist, knowledge of local lore. In addition, each team must prdstavit his newspaper and participate in the "Battle of the Chefs."

End rally of young lifeguards on June 29 the winners and runners will receive medals, trophies, certificates and diplomas - VestiRegion.ru reported press service of Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia Primorsky Krai.

Young people gathered in the Primorye competition "School Safety"

Опубликовано:   24-06-2013, 17:01      |      Категория:  eng news

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