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According to the press service of the far Eastern customs

According to the press service of the far Eastern customs According to the press service of the far Eastern customs administration, according to current requirements, the Declaration of forest products intended for export in section 31 of the Declaration on the goods it is necessary to specify the volume of timber as taking into account the nominal length and without bark, and taking into account the actual length and overbark. This specifies the number of the document, according to which define volumes of timber. To obtain reliable results, quantitative indicators in accordance with the Federal law of the Russian Federation from 26062008 no. 102-FZ «On ensuring the uniformity of measurements» all dimensions of the implementation of trade, customs operations performed by the certified measurement procedures (methods). Cancellation in December 2012 the FCS of Russia dated 22102007 no 1291 «On perfection of customs clearance and customs control of roundwood caused some nervousness as exporters, and customs authorities. Opponents of the FCS of Russia, questioning the legitimacy used by customs authorities techniques, considered that «the leadership of the FCS of Russia may be found to be unjustified violation of the spirit and the letter of the Federal law «About maintenance of unity of measurements and the explicit opposition of departmental interests to the interests of businesses and the Russian economy at the expense of further application of customs techniques.» In March 2013 the letter of the FCS of Russia from 18032013 № 09-91/11056 «regarding the methods Of measurement of round timber» introduced in the practice of five modern techniques, the texts of which are available on the website of the FCS of Russia in the section «for Participants of foreign economic activity». The updated methodology contain innovations that distinguish them from the previous and creating a far Eastern лесоэкспортерам all the conditions for compliance with the special requirements in Declaration-customs procedures for export: apply to all breeds of timber, contain the coefficients of the volume of the crust of the main tree species in the Far East in relation to ranges of thicknesses, which are calculated on the basis of long-term scientific research of the FGI «ДальНИИЛХ». For instance, on previously existing techniques ratio of the volume of the crust major softwood amounted to: El - 108 fir - 110 larch - 120. In the updated methods of these factors are: spruce By - 107-109 fir белокорая - 107-108 Daurian larch - 108-112. Appeared coefficients for valuable hardwood ash Manchurian, Mongolian oak, Linden Amur. Thus, the use of the methods will ensure the transparency, consistency of approach as when declaring the volume of timber, the participants of foreign economic activities, and in the course of customs control by customs officials. Application of methods will allow лесоэкспортерам reduce financial losses in the Declaration of coniferous breeds, to minimize the risks of conducting customs inspections. According to the information of Rosstandart all GOSTs and ОСТы operating in the timber industry, certified measuring technique are not.

Опубликовано:   20-06-2013, 18:01      |      Категория:  eng news

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