Following the governor Miklushevsky, made a report to the Legislative Assembly, a report on the work in 2012 presented to the MPs City Council Mayor Vladivostok Igor Pushkarev. Judging by the reports of relevant press services, the report adopted by the City Council "a great success". In fact, no consensusobserved.
Parliament and the regulations of
Igor Pushkarev
Some urgency happening at once gave a speech communist deputy Oleg Velgodskogo as saying that the issue of the report chapters are not prepared and should therefore be removed from the agenda. It turns out that the text of the report ahead of time no one Deputies did not provide. According to a statement gordumskoy Communist Party faction,"Projects of municipal legal acts and other documents prepared for the meeting Duma Duma deputies sent no later than three calendar days prior to the meeting in violation of the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 11 and paragraph 2 of Article 5 of Council Regulation to date text of the report is not submitted to the deputies Communist faction proposed that the issue of the agenda as an untrained and improperly included. "
Fellow deputies did not support the Communists andexcluded from the agenda the question did not. The Communists promised the matter so as not to leave. According to
deputy head of the Communist Party faction Oleg Velgodskogo, it is not only in violation of formalities, but also in contempt by the mayor - not even to the very deputies, and to those residents of the city, which they submit to the Duma. "Before the Communists in the Duma that did not exist, it was only two, and their vote does not affect the result. Now we have become more than we are able to buck -says Oleg. - We are preparing an appeal to the prosecutor of the city with a request to give a legal assessment of what happened. "
Life is better?
The fact that Igor Pushkarev - an inveterate optimist, has long been known, and the announcement of this report only confirmed (though in fairness it must be said that the lack of optimism did not reproach Miklushevsky and the governor, who declared in his address, in particular, that the rate of growth Primorye ahead of South Korea and Japan). About his success Igor Pushkarev said deputies almost two hours. "On a huge amount done in the city last year, said the fact that the report hard to fit on to a 100-page", - stressed in the press service of the municipality. Igor spoke in detail about the construction of kindergartens (here changes for the better is really evident, although the pre-election promises Pushkarev about 50 new kindergartens still far), improvingroads, upgrading the bus fleet In the latter case, the kind words of the mayor awarded the German bus MAN, has registered on the streets of Vladivostok. About Kurgan "KAvZ", purchased a few years ago, the mayor's office, no one remembers. It looks like they have not passed the test of Vladivostok roads, which are the responsibility we observe the same municipality. So the saying goes, "What good Russian, German - death" was turned inside out here.
"The summit was the catalyst for accelerating the development ofVladivostok We have built a unique bridges , Federal University, roadways and interchanges, the new airport, sewage treatment Vladivostok successfully develops new status - Center for International Development in the Asia-Pacific region "- said Pushkarev, and with that, it would be desirable only agree. However, the APEC summit and its construction - it's money and efforts primarily in Moscow, then the edges and only in the third place - the city, is hard to find among the listedobjects "urban" settings, but three months before the election on these nuances can not concentrate. Or most importantly - what is done, not by whom? Igor Pushkarev, has just gained the upper hand in the party primaries, already five minutes candidate for mayor of Vladivostok, that is, de facto, the campaign has already begun. And if someone Report of the listeners the impression that we are obliged to construction sites summit - almost entirely - the city authorities, it is possible that such an effect on everything and it wascalculated.
Another example is suggestive of a little craftiness: Igor mentioned that in August last year in Vladivostok has opened a new station coastal messages. About the same, that the arrangement of the new building was carried out at the expense of the private carrier - LLC "Mortrans" - can be swept. As well as the fact that the same "Mortrans" in May passenger traffic at all stopped due to the hazardous condition of the berths (gorodskih!) andunsettled financial relations with the municipality, which then hastily began to solve the problems with the ferries and long-promised bus service to Russian.
The main thing in these ceremonial speeches - do not text and subtext, not the subject, and accents. The most interesting - what was hidden between the lines of optimistic report. Here, for example, the mayor said that the construction and repair of roads under the federal program allocated 996 million rubles, and they masteredin full. This, of course, good. And that's what happens with a frozen road construction with Dalhimproma on Ermine, with interchanges along the new route Sedanka - Patroclus, with the announced reconstruction of the road to the foot on the Russian - a mystery. By the way, part of the restoration of the tram line in the street Borisenko mayor has once again assured: tram back to Sakhalin.
Recently, the head of the city with a special pride says that for the first time in Vladivostokthe last two decades have seen a growth in population. However, according to state statistics bodies, out-migration from the Maritime Territory in 2012 not only did not decrease, but rather increased, in spite of the APEC summit (the table some time ago, doctor of economic sciences, Alexander Latkin). So, even if the data presented by Igor Sergeyevich significant (statistics - general science complex), we see some increase in the number vladivostoktsev due to the ongoing depopulation of the edge, in otherwords, the population is concentrated in a relatively simply large cities, where there is work - it's not so much growth as redistribution. This sad situation is, of course, is not associated with personally Pushkarev: depressed Russian demographics (and especially the Far East) - an objective fact. But it seems much to be proud of in this field is not present.
Translucent work
Igor, by tradition, adding that the administration is working "as openly as possible." However, it turned out that after the announcement of the report, not all interested members could ask questions - here in this part of the regulations for some reason. was a little too strict.
The same Velgodsky able to ask only one question. "The second question to ask is did not work, but about the speech, I do not say anything! - Said the MP. - According to the regulations provided for debate, discussion, speeches, but I do not have time to ask about the performances, as is already happening vote. As a result, the text of my speech and was useless. " The representative of the Liberal Democratic Party deputy Andrei Andreychenko like to ask four questions, but also tempered his enthusiasm. Then Andreychenko complained that he had not received in time for answers to their inquiries directed to the administration official. And it is - parliamentary inquiry, to say nothing of "mere mortals". Velgodsky also indicates a lack of normal contact with top officials of the City Hall: "With our faction mayor meets once a year, this is usually just a day before the report, and says all is well, please contact me personally to Khimich (First Vice- Mayor Catherine Khim. - Ed.) And after the report - everything! I need to talk to Karmanovs (vice mayor in charge of transport. - Ed.) - I have a specific question to him on the bus on the Volkhov, which is for some reason. not open. The man in charge at City Hall to work with members of City Council, is responsible to me that he has no room Karmanova, and hangs up the phone! "
If the opposition were not able to ask their questions, a faction of the majority - the "United Russia" - no questions to the mayor was not there at all. Although it would seem, the problems in short supply, and each member of a United Russia is not only the party but also the specific voters with some of the street, probably regularly traded in a thought with their problems.
"Properly and effectively enough," or "The Tale of a beautiful life"
Majority vote of the deputies voted to accept the report Pushkarev note, with six (communists) were in "against." "I came out of the age where you can listen to fairy tales. To cut the composition of city council for 2.5 hours in order to read the text on a beautiful piece of paper? What numbers are there, from where - can not be verified, it is nowhere In this report, you should write: Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale about our beautiful life "- shares his impressions deputy Velgodsky.
However, the opposition fly in the ointment is hardly disturb the overall beatific atmosphere. "Duma deputies believe that the city executive tasks entrusted to it decides to competently and effectively" - summed up the chairman of the City Council Helen Nowicka. The city parliament, as we see, yet remains "a place for discussion", but their sum total can not affect even the "real violent" (in a good way), which still is not enough.
As mentioned above, the actual campaign for the election of the mayor of Vladivostok started. Among denote the favorites - not only Igor Pushkarev (which is likely to be the candidate of the "party of power"), but also actively performing with his criticism of Oleg Velgodsky. Golovin's candidacy in April, was supported by the Vladivostok branch of the Communist Party (although initially talked about other possible candidates - Representatives of the Communist Party in the Legislative Assembly and Artem Samsonov Vladimir Bespalov), and in July it Velgodskogo, in all probability, we finally adopt as a candidate for mayor on the edge Party Conference. In this case, it will be one of the main opponents of the incumbent. The assets Velgodskogo - as the support of the Communist Party, and the personal popularity as a member of the single-member district number 5. Communist obviously serious about the fight. On the other hand, a lot depends on whether he can unite a coalition of supporters of the figure or negotiate with other potential candidates from the opposition.
Sergey Timofeev, " New Paper in Vladivostok "