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The driver's attention! Traffic Police warns of danger!

The driver\

In connection with the recent rainfall Vladivostok Traffic police urges drivers of vehicles to be as careful on the roads, observe the speed limit, given the road conditions.

Note, due to adverse weather conditions on the roads of the city there is ice, snow run-up - so keep a safe distance neobhodimol TC lateral spacing.

Drivers, please be careful to light foot traffic participants. Also do not forget about the need to take into account the houses adjoining passages: " Not overestimate your skills and capabilities of their car trying to implement the rise or descent on steep slopes adjacent territory, as can cause an accident" .

Pedestrians are advised to cross the road at designated SDA RF field, in order to avoid accidents to pedestrians should not stand at the edge of the roadway, as the car is on a slippery road may be subject to uncontrolled drift driver.

Опубликовано:   10-03-2013, 10:09      |      Категория:  eng news

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