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In the capital of Primorye quits international forum of energy projects

Today Vladimir Miklushevsky took part in a business forum to be held these days in the campus on the island of Russian Far Eastern Federal University.

In the capital of Primorye quits international forum of energy projects

Energy projects will help in the development of the coastal economy /p>

The Governor noted that ATEF - the third such huge event after the APEC summit and APPF Forum, which takes place in Primorsky Krai .

Vladimir Miklushevsky spoke about the energy projects that are planned to be implemented in the Primorsky Krai - is building a plant to liquefy natural gas, and petrochemical plant in Nakhodka.
According to the governor, Primorsky Territory is ready to mutually beneficial cooperation and open dialogue with international partners.

In order to attract investors in the Primorsky Krai tax benefits and the reduction of administrative barriers, plans to reduce electricity rates for small and medium-sized businesses and setting a fixed fee for connection to utility services - VestiRegion.ru reported the press service of the Governor of the Primorsky Territory

In the capital of Primorye quits international forum of energy projects

Опубликовано:   29-05-2013, 16:30      |      Категория:  eng news

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