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The introduction of a social norm for electricity in the Primorye impractical

The introduction of a social norm for electricity in the Primorye impractical
Chairman of the working group on introduction to the social norms of consumption of Primorye Sergey Gardening talked about why he and his colleagues have decided to boycott the Primorsky Territory in the pilot project.

Recall, this issue was addressed the public on behalf of the regional governor Vladimir Miklushevkskogo which is considered part of Primorye in the experiment impractical.

"We have no understanding of how effectively the social norm will work in Primorye, and whether it will be an effective measure to build energy-discipline", - said Sergey Gardening. According to experts, the life support system in the Maritime region, as indeed elsewhere in the Russian Federation, is in urgent need of modernization, and to reduce energy losses solely due to the introduction of social norms is unlikely to succeed.

"In addition, people find it difficult to explain why, in the most energy-rich country to enter the social norm of consumption", - said Sergey Gardening.

The second reason which has induced the members of the working group to say "no" to a pilot project - it is a complicated and obscure method of calculating the social norm. It does not clearly define the average value of social norms in the existing diversity of households and the conditions in different territories territory.

"That's why we have decided to withdraw from the Primorye Territory in the pilot project on the application of social norms for electricity and sent it to Governor Vladimir Miklushevsky - said the chairman of the working group. - Hope that he, as well as deputies of Primorye will help us convey the position of residents of the province to the Federal Ministry. "

Опубликовано:   7-05-2013, 13:40      |      Категория:  eng news

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