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Vladivostok and Ussuriisk drill began training before the parade Victory

Vladivostok and Ussuriisk drill began training before the parade Victory Photo: Eastern Military District

The main basis of the Pacific Fleet in Vladivostok, the active phase of preparation for the parade dedicated to the 68th anniversary of the Great Victory. In the city of Ussuriisk first after a long break again will parade company pupils Suvorov Military School.

Marching on the parade ground the Pacific Naval Institute named after Makarov, the first workout in the calculation of the front of the garrison city of Vladivostok. On the territory of Tovma common drill sessions with the parade participants will continue until the beginning of the third decade of April. A first training session of the calculation in the front center of the seaside capital held by the end of April.

It is known that in the May parade will feature more than a thousand people, including battalion and company headquarters of the Pacific Fleet, the compounds of surface ships and submarines, naval coastal forces, historical company Tovma, smart companies Emergencies Ministry, the Interior Ministry and the Moscow State University named after Admiral Nevel.

Participating in the parade this technique will be air defense systems "Wasp" and C-300 self-propelled coastal missile complex "Redoubt", various combat tools and machines, for a total of about forty units.

These days started training troops Ussuri garrison. Feature of the military parade this year will be participation of pupils Ussuriysk Suvorov Military School. Under the guidance of tutors cadets on the parade ground school and spend a single drill techniques and teamwork training parade calculations. 4-year cadets are preparing to pass in the box drummers. Final year cadets will be in the overall calculation of the parade and perform drill song.

Опубликовано:   12-04-2013, 10:00      |      Категория:  eng news

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