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Nine immigration law violators found

Nine immigration law violators found Nine immigration law violators identified during a joint raid representatives of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Primorye Territory and OUMVD Russia for the Primorye Territory in Ussuriysk.

All violators - the citizens of China - traders on the Ussuri market. As reported by the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Primorye Territory, during the event, officers of illegal migration number 2 in the Company "Ussuri-Center" has been tested 24 foreign citizen. Of these, 9 were violators of immigration laws.

"One individual (citizen of China) attracted immigration officers under Art. 18.8 Part 1 of the Administrative Code for violation of rules of migration registration. He was appointed a fine of 2000 rubles, and the court issued a decision on forced expulsion from the territory of Russia. 8 more Chinese citizens were brought to administrative responsibility, and it is also a fine of 2000 rubles for the discrepancy stated goal out to the Russian Federal actually performed during the stay (residence) in the Russian business or occupation (st.18.8. Part 2) " - According to the press service of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Primorye Territory.

The event was also set address of residence of the foreign citizen, committed the violation of the stay on the territory of the Russian Federation, for which responsibility is defined in Art. 18.8 Part 1 of the Administrative Code. A citizen of the Russian Federation, which granted him a dwelling, subject to administrative proceedings under Art. 18.9 Part 3 of the Administrative Code with a fine of 2000 rubles.

Press Service of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Primorye Territory

Опубликовано:   11-08-2013, 18:31      |      Категория:  eng news

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