Unique flash mob in honor of the city administration is planning Vladivostok with the participation of thousands of people at the Golden Bridge. It is planned that a flash mob can go on July 7.
Day in Vladivostok it may be a unique flash mob
On Golden Bridge 12000 residents in the blue shirts along one side of the bridge 707 meters long will make the inscription «I love Vladivostok». The same number of people lined up on the other side of the bridge in the Russian tricolor. All the action will take about 7 minutes, and then the citizens will continue to walk.
Preparing for an unusual event started now. Engineers - bridge builders have to say it is safe to that on the bridge at the same time will be so many people dancing. If the answer is positive engineers to begin preparations.
Organizers of the event, in addition, to demonstrate a positive attitude to his hometown, set themselves another challenge - to get into the Guinness Book of Records with the action called "The most massive flash mob on the bridge."
By the way, all the events of the Day of the city, will be held this year under the same slogan - "I love Beijing" - VestiRegion.ru reported press service of Vladivostok.
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