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Heating season in Vladivostok be uninterrupted

Heating season in Vladivostok be uninterrupted

Heating season in Vladivostok is in normal mode. This is reported by experts on the management of the fuel and energy complex of the city administration.

Vladivostok on all boilers, including the islands, as appropriate fuel is supplied. All welfare projects - educational, cultural and health - provide warmth. All multi-family residential buildings with central heating heat continues to flow without interruption.

On heat regulation in the Intra networks residents must apply to management companies that serve them at home.

Along the way, has already started to prepare for the passage of the next heating season 2013-2014 the negotiation is now scheduling of hydro-pneumatic flushing and pressure testing of heating systems of apartment buildings.

Опубликовано:   1-04-2013, 10:10      |      Категория:  eng news

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