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Mayor of Vladivostok and Primorye Legislative Assembly to request the release of tax "junk" spetszavod

Mayor of Vladivostok and Primorye Legislative Assembly to request the release of tax \"junk\" spetszavod

Participants in a public advisory council on the quality of housing services in the Primorsky Territory approved the membership and leaders of the working groups set up within the Council, and also discussed a request from the head of Vladivostok Igor Pushkarev.

In total, the Board consists of six groups.

- The group responsible for the "formation of the pre-qualification of bidders for energoobsledovanii and overhaul of apartment buildings," which topped Tatiana Lartseva.

- A group that works in "Formation of a regional system of housing stock: overhaul of apartment buildings and renovation of housing stock to meet the requirements of energy saving and energy efficiency", led a judge Natalia Prokofiev.

- A group of "Creating a system of regional regulation and control of the management of apartment houses" led Anatoly Slautenko.

- Mostly in the "Analysis of the performance and effectiveness of investment programs, forecast their impact on rates" is Igor Obukhov.

- The direction of "Analysis of performance by local governments maintenance obligations of municipal housing stock," headed by Sergey Sadovaya.

- Mostly in "Situation Analysis of the collection and disposal of waste, including energy-saving lamps" was Nikolai Pershin.

After organizing council members considered the issue of tax exemption complex for processing and disposal of solid waste MUPV "Spetszavod number 1". With the request to provide expert advice to the ECO asked the head of administration of Vladivostok Igor Pushkarev. A similar appeal also received from members of the Legislative Assembly of the Territory.

After analyzing the documents submitted, the council noted that on this basis it is impossible to give a qualified opinion. It is not enough data on the structure of the company's revenue, detailed costing and financing needs and other activities. Experts asked for the necessary documents.

Опубликовано:   16-03-2013, 07:11      |      Категория:  eng news

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