The females of Artem calmed drinking companion with a knife
March 72013 in an apartment in the Kirov Street in the city of Artem found the body of 24-year-old man with signs of violent death: stabbed in the chest.
In this incident the investigative agencies of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in the Primorsky Territory prosecuted for an offense under Part 1 of Art. 105 of the Criminal Code (murder).
On suspicion of murder arrested 32-year-old woman.
According to Senior Assistant Management Major of Justice Aurora Roman According to investigators, March 7 the company of a few people drink alcohol-containing liquid. After some time, went to the apartment another friend and began to make trouble, One of those present decided differently calm guest: took a knife and stabbed in the chest, from his injuries the victim died.
Currently, at the request of the investigator court chose against suspected measure in the form of detention. In the criminal case to examine a witness, a forensic examination. The criminal investigation is ongoing
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