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Primorye's time to escape from the coal dust

Primorye's time to escape from the coal dust
The committee of the Legislative Assembly for Food Policy and the Environment developed a legislative initiative on amendments to the Federal Law 'On Sea Ports in the Russian Federation. " The amendments will reduce air pollution at coal handling in the coastal ports.

The working group consists of deputy chairman Alexander Kvasha, the staff of the Committee, representatives of the Department of Justice and the Prosecutor's Office, the specialists of the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Administration of Primorsky Krai.

As reported
Press Service LAVS
, Members of the Legislative Assembly concerned about the situation prevailing air pollution by coal dust from the operation of open coal terminals in Primorye. As a result of the open coal transhipment in seaports, not designed to work with these types of goods and located within the boundaries of settlements, there is air pollution by harmful substances, the environmental situation is much worse. This leads to numerous complaints of residents of the city of Vladivostok, Nakhodka, Slav settlements and Olga.

According to legislators, because of the increasing freight, port development, the demand for coal in the Asia-Pacific region, the environmental situation in the port cities of Primorye will be exacerbated, and thus increase social tensions.

The proposed amendments to the Federal Law 'On Sea Ports in the Russian Federation and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation "will legislate in the ports handling dangerous cargo only dusting using specialized handling system, equipped with a sealed loading and unloading equipment, covered cargo warehouse .

Prevent the negative impact of dust on the human MPs offer by controlling and monitoring the maximum allowable concentration of dust in the working area. This should be done with the help of special devices called gas analyzers dust or dust meters.

Owners seaports will be obliged to monitor the level of air pollution during the loading and unloading and at industrial sites port special means providing continuous measurements of dust.

"For us to come to the committee handling the residents of Vladivostok, Nakhodka, Khasan district to increase the concentration of dust in the air, - said chairman of the relevant committee Evgeni Zotov. - Fines imposed on businesses, there is a temporary suspension of work on the transshipment of coal, but the situation does not change. Problem that coal transshipped on open standards platforms, actually on the piers in the ports, which are located inside the city. measurements are made with the involvement of experts, which indicate that the concentration of dust in the air exceeds all performance. need to engage in transshipment of coal to ports in compliance with the technologies covered way. This construct hangars relevant to all of the dust remained indoors. Either place of transshipment shall be placed outside of cities and towns. important that the business of the industry went against citizens and representatives of the government and held back the entry of dust into the environment. "

This legislative initiative will be discussed at a meeting of the Committee on Food Policy and the Environment on July 17 and at the July meeting of the regional parliament.

Опубликовано:   9-07-2013, 23:30      |      Категория:  eng news

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