Tonight, March 9 at Krasnoarmeysk district was off line 110 kV "Roschino-depth - East." The result left the village without electricity and Deep East Village, as well as the Primorsky GOK.
Immediately upon receipt of the signal to determine otklyucheniidlya prichinproizoshedshego experts FEDC (part of RAO ES of the East ") was established inspection lines. In the result of the round found sbitayalesovozom intermediate metal support with a wire break. For emergency restoration work at the site were sent emergency teams, equipped with the necessary repair materials and tools, as well as spetstehnika.Otklyuchennaya line passes through the taiga, loggers from the damaged area to the nearest town 25 miles away. Energy do their best to complete the restoration work on the line today.
Now the line "Roschino - Deep - East" prodolzhayutsyaavariyno damage control at this point have already been removed from the support wires, removed obryv.V corruption of personnel involved 16 people, 6 units. The duration of the repairs on the power line, the boiler room in the two villages are de-energized by diesel generators. Heat supply of the population and social facilities is not broken.
- Violation of the rules for the transport of forest road leading to serious damage to power lines, - said the chief engineer of the coastal branch "FEDC" Sergei Korchemagin. -In place of incident. were caused by the police, they will search for the perpetrators of this trip.
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