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Thai police arrested a gang of Russian extortionists

Thai police arrested a gang of Russian extortionists Photo: ITAR-TASS

Thai police arrested three Russians suspected of extorting large sums of their fellow countrymen, media reported Samui, noting that detainees can impute charges of extortion of living on the island of Russian businessman 1.2 million baht.

According to reports, the police on Tuesday night after receiving a request for assistance went to the hotel Grand Hotel Resort in Samui and discovered the two Russians, who held the power of two other Russian citizens.

On the bodies of the victims showed signs of having been beaten. The guards were arrested at the scene of both attacks, their third partner in crime - as a Russian citizen, was arrested on the island on Wednesday morning, according to ITAR-TASS.

One of the hostages, told police that the night before his threatened firearms criminals escorted to the hotel room Grand HotelResort, where beaten and asked to transfer 1.2 million baht or documents on the ownership of the bar, which was to be opened in the coming days in the beach area Koh Samui.

The victim also told police that this was not the first time that the island had extorted. "He told us the day before, which had already passed 1.6 million baht extortionists" - Said in an interview with reporters police chief Colonel Yamnoch Kivkhau island.

"That's why we made sure that he was able to give us a message, if you fall into trouble" - He said.

"Now we have the evidence that was needed" to curb the activities of the gang of extortionists " , Said a police spokesman.

Bandits prepare Room rope ladder to escape when the police was coming, but they were too one-track and got caught. The names of the detainees were not disclosed in the interest of the investigation, police said.

According to available information, the attackers held on the island of 1.5 to 6 months, in this time of their activities could suffer, and other wealthy Russians, believe investigators.

Опубликовано:   4-03-2013, 07:50      |      Категория:  eng news

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