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Today, August 13 the mayor of Vladivostok Igor

Today, August 13 the mayor of Vladivostok Igor Today, August 13 the mayor of Vladivostok Igor Pushkarev and the Consul General of India in Vladivostok Rakesh Pande held a courtesy meeting, during which the exchanged information about the possibilities of fruitful international cooperation. The meeting was also attended by the Deputy Head of the Administration of Vladivostok Alexander Yurov and Head of International Relations and Tourism of the city administration Vladimir Saprykin. It was the first official visit of the new Consul General of India Rakesh Pande in the administration of Vladivostok. He was replaced in that role since July 2010 Gina youkai. Earlier, Rakesh Pande, received medical training, he worked in the specialty in India's capital Delhi, and then moved to the diplomatic work. In his biography - an attach'e in the department for relations with the United States Department of External Affairs, Third Secretary of the Embassy of India in the Russian Federation and the current translation of the high consular post in Vladivostok. Igor Pushkarev stressed the importance of Vladivostok as a center for international cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region, quite a significant role in the development of which is played and multilateral relations with India. He recalled that the mutually beneficial relations with India Vladivostok - a rich history and great promise. By the way, the Consulate General of India in Vladivostok became the first foreign diplomatic institutions in the capital of Primorye after its discovery in 1992. "Vladivostok on its geographical location, great potential, the hospitality of its people is a very attractive city for international tourism and business, - said, for his part, Rakesh Pande. - A new impetus to these processes has given the past in Vladivostok in September 2012 APEC summit. Current positive changes taking place in the city, greatly increase the interest in Vladivostok representatives of business, culture, sport and tourism of India. " Participants noted a number of important joint events held in Vladivostok in recent years. Among them - organized in the capital of Primorye Indian consulate in Vladivostok city administration with the support of educational and cultural activities. Was a successful debut in the Indian Cinematographers Film Festival "Pacific Meridian". The development of relations of friendship and mutual understanding and contribute to the now traditional visits of warships to Vladivostok India. The great success of vladivostoktsev and guests enjoyed a recent exhibition-fair of India, and India Pavilion at the Days Asia Sports promenade. During the meeting, the sides exchanged views on further expansion of fruitful cooperation. One of ordinary shares will be the most notable concert, which will perform in Vladivostok during the coming winter a group of prominent artists and musicians from India. Perhaps it will be the basis for the organization in the capital of Primorye in the coming year Days of India, which is supposed to include the program and the economic section.

Опубликовано:   13-08-2013, 17:31      |      Категория:  eng news

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