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In Primorye, the nine-year girl's rapist arrested

The investigating authorities to Primorsky Krai opened a criminal case against a man born in 1980.

In Primorye, the nine-year girl's rapist arrested

The rapist arrested in Primorye

According to investigators, the night of August 3 the suspect, being drunk, broke into a private house on a street in the village of Solonenko Frolovka, went into the room where slept nine year old girl and raped her.

In a criminal case is scheduled biological, psychological and psychiatric examination seksologo. The suspect was arrested.

Operational support in a criminal case is spent by employees MOI of Russia for the Primorye Territory - said VestiRegion.ru Senior Assistant Head of Justice Major Roman Aurora.

In Primorye, the nine-year girl's rapist arrested

Опубликовано:   5-08-2013, 17:30      |      Категория:  eng news

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